1-1 Therapeutic Sessions

“To feel is surely the biggest gift. To feel more and to feel deeper with each breath.

I use movement, drawing, writing and sound to help people explore life themes and emotional/mental patterns. Working with different creative approaches allows people to find what works best for them.

In this way we can discover what’s going on for ourselves (physically, emotionally and mentally). These same creative tools can be used to express and transform whatever is found.

This is a gentle process which allows a lot of depth and transformation, both in the nervous system and our outward lives.

The client is in control of where this process goes and what is ready to be moved. It is my job to guide and support you, offering a gentle holding without judgement.

The aim is for you to leave a session with resources to help you in daily life.

We begin with the body - finding safety and connection so that we can deepen our ability to sense into what we need and what our body is communicating and asking for in order to heal.

To find out what’s involved in a session or see if it’s right for you, please contact me (some FAQs are below).

Love, Megan

“Movement is our first language, words come second.” - Christine Caldwell, in Bodyfulness

My 3 “Essences” of Expressive Life and some examples of themes to explore…

20min initial consultation call to see if this is right for you: Free

1 hour session: £35 - £65 (pay what you can)

Block of 6 sessions: £200 - £360

Will I have to talk about difficult things in my life to feel a benefit?

Talking therapy can sometimes send us into our stories only on the mental level and re-trigger trauma. Therapeutic art facilitation is based on the idea that the body brings forth what is ready to be seen and created with. If the body is holding a story of trauma then it can complete its story and therefore the nervous system finds more regulation. This is best done in a supportive relationship, so that feelings can be seen and witnessed, gentle guidance given and the client kept in the present without being overwhelmed. Talking will be part of the process, but we begin and end with the body. The process is therefore gentle and client led - you are in control and are gently guided and supported. In this way you will hopefully leave a session with resources to help you in daily life, the body having found a better sense of safety.

Are you a medical professional?

No I am not a medical professional. If you are experiencing acute mental health difficulties please consult with your healthcare team. Therapeutic arts facilitation can be a great resource which can be used alongside other treatments but is not appropriate for those in crisis.

Do I have to be able to dance or have good mobility?

Not at all - these sessions are inclusive to all bodies. Movement is not about how it looks, but how you feel whilst moving. These can be the tiniest micro movements which may not even be visible.

Do I need to be a “good” artist/musician/writer/dancer?

Absolutely not. Part of this process is about releasing our judgements about ourselves about whether we are “good” at something. Anything created is about the creative journey rather than the outcome. You can choose to focus on one element of your creativity, but I usually find that opening up to many outlets can bring depth. The focus is exploring your life themes and experiences and the art practises are simply ways we can access these.

Do I need to provide art materials?

All materials are provided for you, but if there’s a particular art material you would like to use then please bring it along.