
Hello I’m Megan and I love to create spaces in which people can feel safe and welcome.

I live in Moray in the North East Highlands of Scotland with my husband and two young children. We are currently enjoying caravan life as we build a straw bale home on a hill.

I’ve always loved being creative through dance, music and writing.

My Purpose

I love being around people and working with others as we each explore how to be more fully authentic and joyful. I practise this by using the creative arts as a therapeutic tool - whether that’s through movement, sound, drawing or writing.

In this way we can discover what’s going on for ourselves (physically, emotionally and mentally). These same creative tools can be used to express and possibly transform whatever is found, resolving difficulties and finding more presence.

I lightly hold a deep space, bringing openness, clarity, playfulness, care and love.

Areas of particular interest

  • anxiety

  • pregnancy & birth

  • life purpose

  • communication & relationships

  • expressing emotions

  • boundaries

  • finding presence in change

  • intuition


  • Tamalpa Life/Art Process - Personal Embodiment Training (300 hours)

  • Fully Qualified Facilitator of Expressive Movement

  • Group Holding & Facilitation Skills

  • CPD: Growth Mindset, Group Holding, Trauma Informed Group Facilitation, Dealing with People Displaying Challenging Behaviours

  • MA in Education Studies (Cantab) - spirituality in education

  • BA (Hons) in Education Studies with Music, 1st Class

  • PGCE in primary education with Music at early secondary

My Journey

Working together is a relationship, and so this is why I share a little of my journey. I also honour the vulnerability in reaching out, and the importance of remembering that we are all on a journey, no one has the answer for someone else. In my work I am the map reader and you are very much in the driving seat. My aim is to support you find your own path to presence, joy and purpose….and we begin with the body.

My journey into embodiment has no beginning and no end. I believe we come into the world from an embodied place (why I love being with children) and somehow we forget how to listen to our felt sense.

I was a very sensitive child and also very passionate about life. I wanted to try everything I could, and explored many forms of dance and music. I was a deeply creative child and in my 30s I have come back to this familiar place of being in the world.

I have held a spiritual practice since my early teens, and I have always believed in the importance of staying grounded, with love at the forefront.

I ignored my own anxiety for most of my 20s, which was made worse by an accident where I fractured my spine. My humour and sometimes very annoying persistence got me through. It was when I became a mother that I was forced to slow down and really begin my journey back to a deep connection with my body and creativity.

I had two very different yet traumatic birth experiences. Both showed me my body’s amazing capacity to heal and how important it is to involve the body for emotional and mental healing, as well as physical. The experiences gave me a new joy for life, with less space for anxiety and perfection.

Life is messy and beautiful and so very precious. I am very grateful for the love I have experienced in my life and wish to hold a loving space for others. I am not afraid of big emotions, whatever they may be, and my sensitivity here has become a strength. Sometimes all we need is to be witnessed as we gently tend to finding what it is the body has to say.